Our school has a dedicated Wearitto Smart Clothing Centre (uniform shop) on campus operated by Weareco. Weareco remains a Queensland family business and has been creating school apparel and uniform solutions that become the fabric of school for nearly four decades.
Shop Opening Hours
Tuesday 8am -10:30am
Friday 8am -10:30am
How can parents order school uniforms?
Parents can visit the Uniform Shop on a Tuesday or Friday morning. Alternatively, parents can print/download the Uniform Shop Order Form and send it to school with their child. For queries or appointments contact our uniform shop convenor directly at stjoachims@wearitto.com.au
Wearitto St Joachim's Price List 2025.pdf
What are the uniform requirements at St Joachim's School?
Families who enrol children at St Joachim’s School are required to support
the school by having children wear the compulsory
uniform. The uniform provides the students with a
sense of pride and school identification in the community.
- Make-up, fingernail polish, coloured hair, unconventional haircuts and tattoos are
not permitted.
- It is a WHS requirement that hair (regardless of gender) extending
below the collar is tied back with appropriate school colour hair ties.
Students should have a neat and reasonable hairstyle (natural hair colour only). Tracks, undercuts and rat’s tails are not acceptable.
Jewellery is not permitted to be worn apart from stud earrings, watches and religious necklaces
- Please ensure that all items of clothing
are clearly labelled with your child’s name.
What do the Prep students wear?
Due the active learning program in Prep the students wear the school sports uniform each day of the week.
- Sports Polo
- Sports Knit Shorts
- Socks (short white sports)
- White or black joggers (shoes must be predominantly white or black i.e. not florescent)
What do the Years 1 - 6 students wear?
Girls' Day Uniform
- Day dress or blouse with culottes

Socks (white stripe)
- Bucket hat
- Black school shoes
Boys' Day Uniform
- Day shirt and day shorts
- Socks (short grey stripe)
- Black school shoes
Unisex Sports Uniform
- Sports Polo
- Sports Knit Shorts
- Socks (short white sports)
- White or black joggers (shoes must be predominantly white or black i.e. not florescent)
Winter Uniform for all students
- Fleecy sweat shirt or zip front jacket
- Track pants
- Bootleg pants (girls only)
- Long pants (boys only)
© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Joachim's School (2025)